© Daily Herald Archive / National Science & Media Museum / Science & Society Picture Library
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'Britain's army of women railway workers are doing a mighty fine job these days. Over 50,000 of them have been employed by the different companies to replace men who have joined the Forces; many of them have taken on jobs previously held by their husbands or brothers. 26-year-old Mrs Molly Temperley does signal maintenance work, and she is very efficient too. Here in her workmanlike uniform and clogs she is seen climbing up to fix a newly cleaned lamp on one of the signals on the Wrexham line. Before the war she was a laundress, but much prefers her wartime job. She says she has never been so healthy; the outdoor life suits her and she loves the work. Her husband is serving in the Middle East.'
Woman working on the railways, World War Two, 1940-1943.
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