© Science Museum / Science & Society Picture Library
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Photograph by Edweard James Muybridge (1830-1904), British-American photographer and pioneer of animal sequence photography. Muybridge photographed a horse using cameras with shutters set to a speed of 1/500 second and then released by threads broken by the horse or by clockwork. Thus, in 1877, his series of still photographs showed that a trotting horse lifts all its hooves off the ground at the same time. This led to studies of movement in humans and in 1880 he devised the zoopraxiscope, a precursor of cinematography. Plate from Muybridge's 'Animal locomotion: an electro-photographic investigation of consecutive phases of animal movements, 1872-1885', published in Philadelphia in 1887.
Time-lapse photographs of a greyhound running, 1872-1885.
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